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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

8th Annual BioMalPar Conference 2012 - Germany

  • This will be the 8th BioMalPar conference all of which have taken place at EMBL Heidelberg. However this meeting is sponsored by the European Network of Excellence, EVIMalaR. EVIMalaR is a new malaria research network that whilst distinct from BioMalPar seeks to continue some of the best BioMalPar initiatives, this meeting being one. EVIMalaR consists of 54 partner laboratories in 37 institutions from 10 European and from 5 principally African malaria endemic countries (Sudan, Uganda, Nigeria, and Cameroon, and South Africa) and one Indian institute. The Australian Malaria Research Network also enjoys full membership. EVIMalaR also comprises 25 European and 1 African affiliated partners.

    Created in October 2009, EVIMalaR was established and will perpetuate the original BioMalPar (which formally ended in September 2009) vision of forming a European-wide virtual institute, enhancing cohesion between its component research groups.

    EVIMalaR also places a particular emphasis on its training role, and continues to support a high profile PhD scholarship, fellowships and travel awards. EVIMalaR aims also to ensure a broad dissemination of research results and enhance the public awareness through the implementation of a website and the organisation of annual conferences, training courses and meetings.
  • Aims of eventThe scientific aims of the network remain to address, in an integrated, collaborative manner, fundamental questions of the biology of the malaria parasite, its vector, and the disease, allowing optimal exploitation of the resulting knowledge to impact on public health.

    The purpose of the BioMalPar annual conference is to bring together malaria researchers from Europe and overseas (including Africa, America, Asia and Australia) in order to present and share recent groundbreaking findings on fundamental malaria research. New insights will also be featured through the use of poster sessions. This meeting will also provide an enriched environment for researchers at all stages of their career to interact with international leaders in the field. The meeting will offer an excellent opportunity for sharing ideas and for potential development of new worldwide collaborations.
  • Clusters
    • Immunobiology and Pathophysiology
    • Parasite Molecular and Cell Biology
    • Vector Parasite Interactions
    • Modelling and Systems Biology

      EMBL Heidelberg, Germany Monday 14 May - Wednesday 16 May 2012
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